Yves Beaumont in CJK Centre for Young Art GENT (B)

In 2005, Yves Beaumont had a very successful individual exhibition in the rooms of the CJK Centre for Young Art in Mariakerke near Ghent (B). On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the CJK, they asked him to do another solo presentation there. Consequently, from 17 November to 17 December 2023, an extensive selection of paintings and drawings from the past ten years will be on show at this special location under the title “Anthology”.

Ulrike Heydenreich in Museum Panorama Mesdag

Longing for the distance
01.04.2023 – 17.09.2023

Landscapes in all dimensions
The German artist Ulrike Heydenreich (1975) is fascinated by maps and panoramic mountain landscapes. Her magical – and sometimes monumental – artworks express her desire for distant places. She records these vistas in drawing and objects, with collages and through folding techniques – or even a huge reflective kaleidoscope.

Heydenreich toys with perspective and illusion, the difference being that she fabricates rather than replicates the view and shows you what you don’t see.

Bas Meeuws in Royal Delft Museum

Flowers in Blue

Through the lens of Bas Meeuws

17 April until 10 September 2023

Just as with the masters of the 17th-century flower still life, reality forms the basis for Meeuws, but he then bends it to his will. For the exhibition ‘Flowers in Blue’, Royal Delft commissioned Bas Meeuws to create new work and to place the Delft blue vases from the museum collection in a context where the vases belong,

Ulrike Heydenreich – Kunstforum Montafon

An exhibtion curated by Roland Haas around the fact of the melting and disappearing glaciers in the Alpes. The contribution of Ulrike Heydenreich will be a couple of thread drawings on historic images of glaciers.

Works by Axel Braun, Thomas Feuerstein, Michael Goldgruber, Roland Haas, Ulrike Heydenreich, Anouk Kruithof, Douglas Mandry, Anna Meyer, Simon Norfolk, Martin Pohl, Gabriele Rothemann, Thomas Wrede

12.06. – 12.08.2022


Suzanne Jongmans – Staatsgalerie Stuttgart

Things Matter – Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
To complement the exhibition “Becoming Famous. Peter Paul Rubens, the Große Sonderausstellung of the state of Baden-Württemberg”, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart has shown an exhibition of contemporary photographs under the heading Things Matter. Here, the artists approach the Old Masters from a contemporary perspective. The striking portraits by Maxine Helfman, Suzanne Jongmans and Hendrik Kerstens translate elements of the 17th-century aesthetics into the present and demonstrate how pertinent an engagement with Rubens and his contemporaries can still be in the light of today’s profound social upheavals.

Suzanne Jongmans shows her work at Stedelijk Museum Schiedam

Modest Fashion – Stedelijk Museum Schiedam
September 21  – Februari 9 2020

Haute couture meets skiwear meets Renaissance. It sums up the images that Suzanne Jongmans made for the campaign for the capsule collection of the Genius project of Moncler in a nutshell. Suzanne was commissioned by Pierpaolo Piccioli, the creative director at Valentino and mastermind of the first Genius collection, a collaborative project in which Moncler invites fashion’s biggest names to reinterpret the brand.

Work of Les Deux Garçons at the Stedelijk Museum The Hague

28 September 2019 till 12 January 2020

Let’s Dance!

A dance floor as a catwalk, with both models and professional dancers: in 2018 Maria Grazia Chiuri for Dior literally brought fashion and dance together. And she is certainly not the only designer who sees the world of dance as a great source of inspiration. Many designers, including Giambattista Valli and Tomo Koizumi, are producing designs featuring big clouds of tulle,

MEET & GREET – Bas Meeuws

MEET & GREET – Bas Meeuws
zaterdag 24 augustus 15.00 uur

Op de laatste dag van de tentoonstelling organiseren we een Meet & Greet. Onder het genot van een hapje en drankje gaan we op een informele manier in gesprek met Bas over het kunstenaarschap, werkwijze en inspiratie. We starten om 15.00 uur.

Mocht u aanwezig willen zijn verzoeken we u om u aan te melden via info@galeriewilms.nl

Suzanne Jongmans in Welt Museum in Wenen

Veiled, Unveiled! – The Headscarf
18 October 2018 to 26 February 2019

In the Christian tradition, the veil becomes a symbol of dignity, chasteness, and virginity, and Saint Paul urges women to veil their faces when talking to God. Loose hair is regarded as immoral and only accepted as the exclusive prerogative of the Virgin Mary. The covered head is one of the privileges of married women, similar to the traditional habit of nuns,

Fijnproevers gezocht!

Brouwerij in de Nacht, Kaas en Kaasje en Galerie Wilms weten waarover ze het hebben als het gaat om verleiden. Gezamenlijk organiseren zij een proeverij waarbij heerlijke bieren worden gecombineerd met de lekkerste kazen.
Bier, kaas en genieten van prachtige kunst; We zijn dus op zoek naar echte fijnproevers!

Even kennismaken:
Brouwerij in de Nacht
Brouwerij in de nacht brouwt in eigen beheer 9 hele mooie speciaalbieren. Hoog tijd voor een nadere kennismaking met 5 bieren,

Elke Lutgerink – at Yksi expo in Eindhoven

Bijna 2000 jaar geleden keek de mens het kunstje om papier te maken af van de wesp. Eeuw na eeuw werd dit ambacht doorgegeven aan de volgende generaties en die nieuwe generaties bedachten telkens weer nieuwe productiemethoden, vormen, soorten en toepassingen. De tentoonstelling ‘Paper Generations, Generations of Paper’, te zien van 24 maart t/m 30 juni 2018 bij Yksi Expo, geeft een verrassend beeld van dit alledaagse maar toch onopvallende materiaal. Van het aloude papier scheppen tot eigentijdse experimenten en van klassieke watermerken tot hedendaagse kunst en design.

APPÈL – Presentatie van 7 galerieën uit het Zuiden


Presentatie van 7 galerieën uit het Zuiden
04 | 03 | 2017 – 17 | 04 | 2017
Opening zaterdag 4 maart vanaf 15.00 uur
Galerie Wilms | Contempo Galerie | Jan van Hoof Galerie | Luycks Gallery | Galerie Nasty Alice | Galerie Pennings | Salon

Gedurende de hele maand maart presenteren we ons samen met zes andere galeries uit het zuiden in het huis van de KAZERNE in Eindhoven.

Isabella Werkhoven Galerie Wilms museum MORE

Isabella Werkhoven in Museum MORE

16/10/2016 -15/1/2017
Museum MORE, Gorssel

An overview of 13 years work with a.o. 35 works of particulair collections who were picked up from all over the country with their current owners.



Galerie Wilms Bertil Nilsson Naturally

Book launch Bertil Nilsson in Amsterdam

14 and November 15, 2015 Galerie Wilms organizes an exhibition of the Swedish photographer Bertil Nilsson in Amsterdam.
The book launch is on Sunday, November 15th.

Bertil Nilsson has worked for three years on his project ‘ Naturally’ . Photographed professional dancers and circus artists in nature , with only the addition of color pigments. Nilsson examines what happens when he introduces cultural elements such as color, shape and dance gestures. He questions the relationship between nature and man.

Bertil Nilsson Galerie Wilms Special editions

Pre-sale Special Editions Bertil Nilsson

Pre-sale Special Editions Bertil Nilsson
There are three pre-order special editions of Naturally available, referred to as Rock, Sand and Stone, each limited to 25 copies, together with a unique C-print for €185,- per piece.


Bertil Nilsson has been working on Naturally for the last three years, photographing male dancers in nature and exploring expression using paint and. The project is now almost complete and will be published as a photobook by the end of 2015.

Suzanne Jongmans Mind over Matter Galerie WIlms

Boekpresentation ‘Mind over Matter’

Boekpresentatie ‘Mind over Matter’

Opening & boekpresentatie zondag 16 november 15.00 uur

Suzanne Jongmans’portretten staan in de traditie van de 15de, 16de en 17de eeuwse schilderkunst. Haar werk is interdisciplinair: ze is coupeuse, beeldhouwer én kostuumontwerper. Vervolgens zet ze als fotograaf de driedimensionale beelden om naar het platte vlak. ‘Mind over Matter’ is een oeuvre tentoonstelling van het werk van Suzanne Jongmans.
Tijdens de opening presenteren wij tevens het boek ‘Mind over Matter’.

Galerie Wilms on PAN Amsterdam

At the artfair PAN Amsterdam we’ll present the following artists:

-Frode Bolhuis
-Suzanne Jongmans
-Bert Loerakker
-Alexandra Roozen
-Isabella Werkhoven


PAN Amsterdam – the fair for contemporary art, antiques and design
November 23 t / m November 30, 2014

See and compare at your leisure the works that appeal to you and let you know without obligation. Know that testing experts monitor the quality. 

Bertil Nilsson Eike Galerie Wilms

Bertil Nilsson in CODA Museum

Sound of Silence

Silence has become a rare commodity. Sound is everywhere; sometimes desired but often unwanted. […] In an environment that requires accessibility and availability, there is little room for the experience of peace and silence. Sounds of Silence offers visitors the opportunity to escape the noise of daily life and to enjoy the silence in contemporary visual art. 

Levi van Veluw, Sandra Kruisbrink, Rob Sweere, DAANOE (Daan Oude Elferink),

Herve Martijn Galerie Wilms

Herve Martijn on Watou Artfestival

Kunstenfestival Watou

About small happiness in times of abundance


During its 34th edition the Art Festival Watou may consider itself lucky. The collected stories of artists, writers and poets all embody the human search for happiness in times of great abundance. About how we all want to be happy and how this does not necessarily lead to becoming truly happy. About how we humans always seem to be searching for something better,

Lisanne Hoogerwerf

WorksStatementCVVideoINTERVIEWWorksStatement My artworks depict real-unreal places: places that you can’t find in ordinary reality, but that are made with real materials like pieces of wood, sand, glue, and painted canvas. I create my art as a way to visualise inner and outer human landscapes. Working mainly from imagination, I want to lay hold on an…

Toon Berghahn

WorksStatementCVWorksStatement Toon Berghahn: Illuminating the Familiar and the Unfamiliar Toon Berghahn, a distinguished Dutch painter born in 1970, has etched his name in the artworld. A graduate of Aki Enschede and Rietveld Akademie, both renowned institutions focusing on fine arts and design, Berghahn held his inaugural exhibition in 1998, marking the beginning of a prolific…

Andreas Senoner

WorksStatementCVWorksStatement Andreas Senoner was born in 1982 in Bolzano, Italy. He lives and works in Firenze, Italy. ​ He attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence and the Facultad de Bellas Artes San Carlos in Valencia, Spain. He followed classes of Performance and Sound poetry from artist Bartolomé Ferrando. In 2006 he was granted…

Brooke DiDonato

WorksStatementCVWorksStatement Brooke DiDonato (b. 1990) is a visual artist from Ohio now based in New York. After studying photojournalism, DiDonato began developing a body of personal work questioning the notion of realism induced by the photographic medium. Her images propose scenes of everyday life distorted by visual anomalies. Extreme landscapes and domestic spaces stand in…

Alexandra Roozen

WorksStatementCVCollectionsCollector’s boxWorksStatement Alexandra Roozen Alexandra Roozen’s work speaks of experiment, but is also deeply indebted to the tradition of drawing. The artist’s keen awareness of its history, combined with her well-honed technique, leads her to further explore drawing’s possibilities and boundaries. The method of Roozen’s work is based on repetitive structures. Small hand gestures such…

Mirjam Abraas

WorksStatementCVWorksStatement Mirjam Abraas Binnen mijn werk ben ik al een lange periode bezig met een duidelijk afgebakend onderwerp in een specifieke techniek. Een onderwerp dat is gegroeid tot een vast gegeven en blijvend uitgangspunt in mijn werk. De liefde en interesse voor mijn onderwerp is in de jaren toegenomen waarbij ook de handeling van het…

Ulrike Heydenreich

WorksStatementCVVIDEOWorksStatement The themes of Heydenreich’s artwork explore human navigation and orientation, and the longing for the unknown and intangible. We humans travel around the world and it is part of our nature to be drawn to the most remote places. If this is not possible, we virtually experience these places. The geological surface of our…

Julie van der Vaart

WorksStatementCVWorksStatement Julie van der Vaart is a Belgium-based photographic artist and educator, who uses various experimental darkroom and printing techniques to create otherworldly interpretations of reality. From an early age she was fascinated by space and time, imagining the infinity of the universe or the pulling darkness of black holes. These obsessions resulted in an…

Anke Roder

WorksStatementCVMediaWorksStatement Anke Roder ( Bayreuth 1964) is a Dutch based painter living in Zandeweer, north coast of the Netherlands. Her studio is surrounded by a big artist garden, composed like a living colour changing painting and combining form and structure of plants. These colours of nature are of great importance for her paintings. The blushing sky…

Bibi Smit

WorksStatementCVWorksStatement Bibi Smit (1965) werkt al 25 jaar met glas. Ze volgde haar opleiding aan de West Surrey College of Art and Design in Farnham, Engeland, waar ambacht hoog in het vaandel stond. In 1991 richtte ze een eigen atelier op in Schotland. Sinds 2007 heeft ze een eigen glasblazerij en slijperij in Loosdrecht. De…

Sandra Kruisbrink

WorksStatementCVWorksStatement Sandra Kruisbrink Sandra Kruisbrink (1961) is a versatile artist who, with her delicately drawn landscapes, occupies a distinctive position in the Dutch art world. Her works on paper appear light and open, yet they are highly complex and the product of an extremely labour-intensive process. Kruisbrink uses not only pencils, but also brushes, distemper…

Wim Claessen

WorksStatementCVWorksStatement Wim Claessen Wie op het eerste gezicht kijkt naar het werk van Wim Claessen, ziet landschappen die een eigen sfeer kennen en die bijna ongekend zijn door het bijzondere licht- en kleurgebruik. De werken kunnen daardoor bevreemdend aandoen, maar ook zit die bevreemding in de verstildheid van het geheel. Het heeft iets mystieks dat…


WorksStatementCVWorksStatement Piet Warffemius   Warffemius is able to put down with a few sober and strong lines a form that settles on your retina. The combinations and repetitions of form he chooses, are both as simple as effective. The best way to describe the beauty that reveals itself is timid, introvert and subtle layered. And…

Danielle van Broekhoven

WorksStatementCVWorksStatement During walks at home and abroad, Danielle constantly gets ideas that could be painted. She photographs or stores them in her memory. Once in the studio, the photos evoke images. Without making studies or sketches prior to the work, she starts an intuitive painting process. “I put the photos that I took aside, and…

Bas Meeuws

WorksStatementCVWorksStatement ‘the sweet Spring in wintertime’ Photographic Floral Still Lifes by Bas Meeuws   Bas Meeuws is a young and passionate photographer. Since 2010, he has dedicated himself to rejuvenating the traditional and very Dutch genre of flower still life painting through the modern medium of digital photography. With his works, Meeuws intends to add…

Yves Beaumont

WorksStatementCVWorksStatement Yves Beaumont is probably the most poetic and muted Belgian landscape artist. He understands, studies and admires the great masters but over time has developed his own ‘pictura logica’: a logic that senses the character of the canvas surface and the texture of the paint, that touches and works the paint itself and offers…

Matijs van de Kerkhof

WorksStatementCVWorksStatement Matijs van de Kerkhof   Recognition or figuration is an important starting point for his visual art. He paints or draws situations from his immediate surroundings, often based on existing photos. Then he uses his imagination to translate these images in paint or felt tip pen. The atmosphere in which he places his figures…

Margot de Jager

WorksStatementCVWorksStatement Het suizen van een zachte stilte De schilderijen van Margot de Jager zijn fantasierijke, imaginaire landschappen: plekken die alleen bestaan in de verbeelding van de kunstenaar. Zij refereert daarin bewust niet aan bestaande plekken, omdat het niet gaat om een afbeelding van het landschap, maar om een evocatie daarvan. Soms betreft het een landschappelijke scene; in…

Yvonne Mostard

WorksStatementCVWorksStatement Ze zou graag willen weten hoe die lust te verwoorden deze verstrijkende tijd   tegen zich aan te houden, gezicht tegen gezicht, lichaam tegen lichaam, dicht   tegen elkaar. Ze zegt dat ze praat over die tijd tussen de dingen, tussen de   mensen, die welke andere mensen weggooien, die van geen belang voor…

Pascal Mestrom (guest)

WorksSTATEMENTCVVIDEOWorksSTATEMENT Inventions by Pascal Mestrom are three-dimensional sculptures, always recognizable by the signature style of Pascal. At the same time, each and every Invention is unique because of its own story. That story is created by the many different pieces and materials that are brought together in the Inventions. Elements from different styles, different centuries…

Tonnie & Gradje (guest)

WorksThe great Tonnie & Gradje AI-showAaron van ErpRob LoomanWorksThe great Tonnie & Gradje AI-show Starting October 27, Galerie Wilms will present THE GREAT TONNIE AND GRADJE AI exhibition, a unique exhibition focusing on the creative collaboration between painters Aaron van Erp and Rob Looman. In addition to their own painting careers, van Erp and Looman…

Michiel Kluiters (guest)

WorksStatementCVWorksStatement Michiel Kluiters (1971, Amsterdam) makes monumental, painterly photographs of empty spaces that you can step right into. The work is on the plane between sculpture, photography and painting. They are images of improvised architectural scale models that he builds in his studio and then photographs in razor-sharp detail. The combination of light and shadow,…

Katrin Bremermann (guest)

WorksStatementCVWorksStatement German artist Katrin Bremermann (b. 1965) combines primary abstraction with spontaneous expression to create two-dimensional paintings with a three-dimensional quality as well as three-dimensional steel sculptures. Working in the tradition of shaped canvases pioneered by artists such as Ellsworth Kelly and Kenneth Noland, Bremermann’s work explores the connection between reality and the illusion of…

Riki Mijling (guest)

WorksStatementCVWorksStatement Dutch sculptor Riki Mijling (1954, Nijmegen, the Netherlands) works in a rich tradition of non-objective, post-minimalist sculpture. The twentieth century art genealogy shows a forceful line of abstract-geometry, with pioneers such as Kasimir Malevitjs, Vladimir Tatlin, Piet Mondrian and Theo van Doesburg. Developments in art since the mid-1960s show how artists expanded on this…