“Neither of us are into the big, quick gesture. Instead, our work arises very slowly from concentration, precision and intuition”
Galerie Wilms is showing new work by Suzanne Jongmans and Patricia Paludanus in a duo exhibition. At first glance, the images of these artists appear to be completely different in nature, but nothing could be further from the truth. Both of them travel through the universe of their inner world, managing to bypass their thinking and rely on their intuition and subconscious to get ever closer to an inner core. The more personal and intimate, the more universal their journey seems to become.
When Jongmans saw Paludanus’ work at a fair two years ago, she was immediately captivated by it. So the two got in touch and several deep conversations followed. Paludanus was the model for Jongmans’ latest work, which will also be on display at this exhibition. It seemed only logical to show these two artists together, to show this felt kinship to the outside world as well.
“There was an immediate deep recognition when I first saw Patricia’s work,” Jongmans says. The feeling is entirely mutual, agrees Paludanus: “What strikes me in Suzanne’s work is the stillness it exudes. The feeling that something has crystallised very slowly and with supreme concentration.”
Like a true speleologist, Patricia Paludanus explores forgotten passages in her innermost being, until she discovers a hidden door while searching and groping. The result of this journey translates on paper into associative landscapes full of suggestive shapes and shimmering colours. When she picked up the coloured pencil again for the first time in years, Paludanus rediscovered the playful, intense and magical feeling with which she experienced the world as a child. Since then, she has been drawn to this inner treasure trove ever since.
For Suzanne Jongmans, her art is a way to come to a better understanding of life and her role in it. The work unfolds to her, helping her to better understand herself from the inside out. As an artist, photographer, cutter and costume designer, she draws inspiration from old masters of the Renaissance and early modern era. She knows how to use unexpected materials with love, precision and skill and combines them imaginatively to create beautiful costumes and sets. Her photographs undergo a long process of meticulous post-processing, gradually revealing an enchanting image that gives both herself and the viewer a rare glimpse inside.
Closed from 16 to 26 November due to participation in PAN Amsterdam
Between 23 December and 7 January open by appointment only